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About The Designer

Hello! My name is Nina Saad, and I am currently pursing the Hons. Bachelor Crafts and Design (Industrial Design) at Sheridan College, where I have been learning a diverse set of skills. Such as the design process (from research to final product), ideating, model making, CAD and Adobe Suit, manufacture & materials, designing and presenting pitch decks, as well as fabrication. My designs are inspired by the world around me, and tailored to exist in harmony with the environment and the people that interact with it. For that I strive to incorporate ethics, sustainability, empathy and integration in my practice. From research to ideation to final product, my process involves discovery to innovation and detailed craft, but most importantly, my process is filled with learning. I believe that each project created, provide us designers with an unique opportunity of learning new things. This opportunity is one of the things that I love the most in my profession.

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- Microsoft Office

- Google Suite

- Solidworks

- KeyShot

- Adobe InDesign

- Adobe Illustrator

- Adobe Photoshop

- Figma

Technical Skills

- Sketching

- Model Making

- Design Process

- Ability with Power and          Manual Tools


- English (fluent)

Portuguese (fluent)

- Spanish (advanced)

- French (learning)

Soft Skills

- Creativity & Innovation

- Adaptability

- Interpersonal Skills (Team Work)

- Creative Problem-Solving

- Attention to Detail

- Strong Work Ethic

- Visual and Verbal Communication

- Self-motivated

- Fast Learner

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